Nephrite Jade Stretch Bracelet

Nephrite Jade Stretch Bracelet

The Mystic Crystal

Regular price $38.50 Sale

8mm Natural Semi Precious Gemstone
From British Columbia, Canada


The metaphysical properties of Green Jade:

Green Jade is an abundance stone, representing the flow of Divine energy into the reality of one's life. It brings harmony and happiness in business and family relationships, as well material abundance. It is a reminder to smell the flowers, touch the ones you love, and share your heart with others in affirmation of plenty. [Ahsian, 210]

Green Jade is perfect for keeping a venture on course, a project on schedule, and life on track. Lighter Green crystals promote spiritual growth and renewed commitment to a higher purpose.

It is helpful to the bones and joints, especially the hips, and for treating bacterial and viral infections, cystitis and genito-urinary infections. [Eason, 266]

Jade has a restorative property, allowing for both the cellular and skeletal systems to re-bind themselves, and assists in the removal of pain associated with the body's healing of itself. Jade also helps stitches to bind and heal properly, and has been used to diminish cramps and "Charlie horses." [Hall, 152][Melody, 343] Imperial Jade is particularly useful in healing after plastic surgery or reconstructive surgery caused by a disfiguring illness or injury. [Eason, 265]